A dream team of radiofrequency and fractional microneedling makes Morpheus8 one of the most targeted skin rejuvenation and contouring treatments available.


Morpheus8 is the ideal non-surgical treatment for tackling age-related skin laxity and sagging. When combined with treatments such as dermal fillers, it can be very effective for achieving a non-surgical facelift result.

Using the combined benefits of micro-needling and radio-frequency, Morpheus8 allows us to achieve a controlled injury to the skin and deeper sub-dermal layers. This injury, particularly the deeper heating effect from the radio-frequency, stimulates a healing response in the skin which in turns causes the production of new collagen, elastin and structural proteins needed to plump and create a lifted look. The effect is that over time the skin regains its tightness, tone and there is an improvement in fine lines, wrinkles and general overall appearance.

As well as tightening of the face and neck, we can use Morpheus8 to tighten the skin on areas of laxity elsewhere on the body such as the abdomen, flanks, knees and upper arms. It’s a great treatment for the ‘mum tum’.

Furthermore, we can also use the collagen-inducing healing benefits of Morpheus8 to significantly reduce the appearance of acne scarring, large pores and even stretch marks.

Using the finer Morpheus8 Prime tips also enables us to treat the delicate tissue around the eyes, improving wrinkles, laxity and drooping of the upper and lower lids – known as the non-surgical blepharoplasty.


Our Morpheus8 Explainer Video is your quick visual guide to this revolutionary treatment. We'll simplify the science, technology, and the remarkable potential of Morpheus8. Whether you're new to non-invasive skin rejuvenation or experienced, our video will clarify how Morpheus8 works, its benefits, and why it's making waves in the beauty world. Get ready to uncover the secret to smoother, firmer, and more youthful skin through a comfortable, non-surgical approach. Let's explore Morpheus8 together and reveal the path to your radiant, confident self.

Am I a suitable candidate for Morpheus8?

As Morpheus8 is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment, most patients with mild to moderately ageing skin, acne scarring or large pores will benefit. However during your consultation we will assess your skin condition, will check your medical history as well as your general health and discuss your expectations for results. They will then decide if the procedure will be both a suitable and effective treatment for you.

Is Morpheus8 treatment painful?

Prior to the procedure we will apply a topical anaesthetic cream onto the area of skin we will be treating. This means that whilst you might feel some tingling and warming of the skin during the treatment, it should not be painful.

What happens during Morpheus8 treatment?

Prior to the procedure, a topical anaesthetic will be applied to your skin to ensure you are comfortable throughout the treatment. After around 60 minutes, your skin should then be numb. When you are fully comfortable, your practitioner will pass the Morpheus8 hand-held device head across your skin, on the areas of concern. At this point you may feel a tingling and heat on the skin which is completely normal. A full treatment (not including the numbing period) takes around 30-45 minutes.

At INJCT Skin Clinic, our Morpheus8 treatment is a transformative experience designed to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. Using cutting-edge radiofrequency technology, Morpheus8 reaches deep into your skin's layers, stimulating collagen and elastin production.

This non-surgical, non-invasive procedure is renowned for its ability to smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture, and tighten loose or sagging skin. Whether you're looking to address fine lines, scars, or overall skin quality, Morpheus8 offers a tailored solution. Our expert team at INJCT Skin Clinic will guide you through the process, customizing the treatment to your unique needs, and ensuring your comfort every step of the way. Say goodbye to the signs of aging and hello to a more youthful, radiant you with Morpheus8 at INJCT Skin Clinic.

How many Morpheus8 treatments will I need?

Whilst most patients will notice an improvement after one treatment of Morpheus8, for the best overall results we recommend a course of treatments with one session every 4-6 weeks.

How long do Morpheus8 results last?

With some skin concerns, Morpheus8 can offer long-term and even permanent results. However, as the ageing process continues we recommend an annual top-up session to maintain the benefits of your treatment and keep your skin looking great.

How much does the Morpheus8 treatment cost?

Treatment cost will vary depending upon the area of the face/body being treated and also the number of treatment sessions required. In most cases, where multiple treatment sessions are required we are able to offer patients treatment packages. *Prices can be found within the booking area of our website.



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